Sunday, February 28, 2010

3 Key Points To Remember When Writing For The Web

While many writers are eager to write for the Internet, it is important to consider the key differences between writing for a traditional print audience and an Internet audience. Keeping these three points in mind will help you achieve success with your Internet writing ventures.

Writing for the Internet is different from traditional publishing formats in three essential ways:

~ Audience
~ Format
~ Lifespan

It is important to consider each difference while writing.

While audience is always a key consideration for any writer audience consideration is a primary factor for Internet writers. While the basic considerations of audience (who do you expect to be your primary reading audience?) remain the same there are some important differences.

First, it is important to remember that in traditional publications your audience is somewhat captive. Once they have actually picked up or purchased a print media they are likely to at least give it a few pages before ditching it. However, on the Internet the audience can move away from your words with a click of the button so you need to be focused and on target. You can't take time for a slow buildup or meandering discussion. If you (the writer) do not seem to be delivering the goods then the reader will simply move on. This does not mean you need to cater to the lowest denominator but it does mean that you need to know your audience as well as how to respond to that audience's needs and desires.

Another important point is that many Internet readers scan documents quickly before committing themselves to reading. It is important to write clearly and concisely as well as use punchy headlines and subheadings as well as catchy introductions and conclusions as these are key points for scanning.

While at first glance Internet documents appear to mimic traditional print documents there are many major differences. One of the most important is the entry point. A search engine may deliver readers to some point in the middle or end of your document. If you have written a coherent and cohesive piece then those readers may well move back to the beginning to read properly. In response to this, and the scanning readers mentioned above, it is best to break longer documents into several stand-alone pieces that can work together as a whole or as separate documents if approached in that manner.

Finally, an important difference between traditional publications and Internet publications is lifespan. While the apparent lifespan of many electronic documents appears to be fleeting that is not in fact true. Newspaper and magazine articles in print publications may only be current for a day, week or month but be archived on the Internet. Internet publications are frequently archived on the Internet for years. So while it is important as a writer to be fresh and current also keep in mind that your reader may access your words at some undetermined point in the future.

Keeping these three key points -- audience, format, and lifespan -- in mind when writing for the Internet will help you achieve greater writing success.

Auschwitz Death Camp, Lesson Learned?

Auschwitz was the most notorious of the Nazi labor camps in WWII. There, a man or woman could expect at any moment to be sent to the gas chambers, used for medical experiments or given a phenol injection to the heart which would cause death in 15 seconds. If lucky, they would instead be used for exhaustive labor under the most grueling conditions.

A selection committee decided who was fit for labor and who would be used for medical experiments or exterminated. One 'doctor' drew an arbitrary height line of 5 feet 2 inches and any child who was not tall enough was sent to the gas chambers immediately.

Many were sent to the chambers directly upon arriving at Auschwitz. For that reason records do not exist for all of the people who were killed.

Their horrible suffering and the conditions they endured were beyond belief. People would tell each other lies just to give hope. "The allies have landed in Greece". The implication was that they would be rescued soon. There were many other stories concocted to keep one another from utter despair.

After Auschwitz was closed and the inmates released there was a reckoning. The Nazis were hunted down over the years and brought to account for their crimes one by one.

The time of Nazi Germany has ended. Yet, there exists forced labor camps in China today while Holocaust survivors still live. Have we learned nothing from history?

The labor camps in China, much like the Nazi death camps, are used to harm those whom the Chinese Communist Party does not like. They are also used to attempt to break the will and spirit of those who practice the peaceful meditation practice of Falun Gong.

From these camps the Chinese Communist Party derives a source of free labor. The goods are exported for profit and consumption around the world. Similar to the Nazi camps, these nightmarish dens of horror are a source of suffering, torture and death. Why are they tolerated? Isn't it time that they are dismantled and eliminated?

The famous poet Elie Wiesel, himself an Auschwitz survivor, had this to say, "I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."

Simon Wiesenthal, another labor camp survivor who helped bring many Nazi criminals to justice said this. "For your benefit, learn from our tragedy. It is not a written law that the next victims must be Jews. It can also be other people. We saw it begin in Germany with Jews, but people from more than twenty other nations were also murdered. When I started this work, I said to myself, I will look for the murderers of all the victims, not only the Jewish victims. I will fight for justice."

The Chinese Communist Party is responsible for the use of forced labor camps that house many Chinese citizens today. To do nothing is to ignore the lessons of the past as well as the suffering of the present. Isn't it time to speak up?

Call a Chinese embassy or official and let them know what you think of their forced labor camps. Tell them to stop the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Do not remain silent.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

“7 Surprisingly Quick And Easy Ways To Feel Happier”

All of us have days when we're out of sorts. You just wish you were in a better mood.  You've had days like that, haven't you? Perhaps you tried to get yourself into a better state of mind but struggled to achieve it.

Sometimes we get stuck in our own emotional dumps and forget how easy it is to feel happier, so here are seven simple ways to lift your mood. Many people have found them useful. Some of them may surprise you!

1. Go for a walk.

Most people know that going for a short daily walk is one of the best forms of exercise. When you are feeling down it is even more beneficial. If you can, go into a natural environment with plants and birds. Can you think of such a setting not? What do you notice first? The different shades of greenery, the fresh  smell of country air, the sounds of birds, or the sunlight shining through the trees? Make it real by taking a short stroll.

2. Listen to quality music.

Music can shift a listener's state within moments. It's effect can be nearly magical. Dig out that CD you haven't listened to in ages or tune in your radio to something you've never listened to before.

3. Open yourself to discovering something new.

Read something (printed, not on line) different than what you would normally watch. There are a ton of different types of magazines can you get these days. Visit your local library or browse through a magazine rack.  Pick up or buy a magazine you wouldn't normally buy. You may discover something wonderful.

4. Find something to laugh at.

Laughter is one of the best ways to lift your spirits. Find a humorous book, or watch a comedy. Even better, try to learn a few new jokes and tell them to others. 

5. Simple breathing meditation.

Breathing meditation is a great exercise that you can do anywhere.  Simply allow yourself to sit comfortably with your back straight. Now close your eyes and become aware of the flow of air into and out of your nostrils. That's all there is to it. Do this for 10-15 minutes. Notice how pleasantly surprised you can be at how you feel afterward.

6. Doodling for the fun of it.

Most people can remember when they were young and used to doodle for hours. Kids love drawing silly little pictures. Drawing is not just for kids or artists.  Whoever you are get some pens, pencils, crayons or whatever you have and just draw for the fun of it. Notice how your state of mind shifts.

7. Think of others less fortunate.

The fact that you are reading this article suggests that you are probably much better off than most people on this planet. At times this may be hard to believe, but if you can read and have access to the internet, just those two things alone means you are better off than most people in the world.  There are many human beings that barely have access to the basics of survival. There are people in lots of pain. Allow your compassion for them to grow.

These are all pretty simple. There's nothing profound or life changing, but when all you need is a quick pick me up these may be just the thing you need. Putting simple ideas, methods, tools and techniques into action will help you achieve change more quick and easily--surprisingly so at time-- than you imagine.

Friday, February 26, 2010

4 Rules To Transform A Long Distance Love On The Internet Into A Normal Relationship

Let's suppose that you are meeting someone online 
and that person seem to be the match of your life,
 but is living far away from you. Does it worth 
to spend your time in a long distance 
relationship with this person? 

What if this person is really your soul mate?

You may be surprised how much a relationship can 
grow if you work at it. If you know and apply 
some simple rules, your relationship can turn out 
to be one of the most successful and happy 
relationships that ever existed.

Distance, combined with phone calls and writing, 
electronically or through regular mail, can 
foster an enviable intimacy which results from 
learning about another's qualities, values and 
ways of thinking, sensitivities, dreams, and 
aspirations. This type of intimacy can make your 
coming together much more special.

And, as if relationships weren't complicated 
enough, having them across a long distance is 
extremely challenging. Just read the following 
rules and try to keep them in mind and apply them:

1. The quality of a relationship is more likely 
to increase if both people develop the ability to 
share feelings openly with each other. Do not be 
afraid to tell your partner what you really need 
and want from him or her, he or she deserves to 
know the truth and judge whether they can give it 
to you.
2. Make the relationship a high priority. Avoid 
canceling reunions or putting off a phone call.

3. Keep in touch daily. If large phone bills are 
a concern, send e-mail, letters, cards and even 
faxes. And when you do make contact, don't just 
stick to love talk, but keep each other informed 
on the day-to-day aspects of your lives. This way 
each of you is aware of how the other is thinking,
 feeling and developing.  Late-night talks and 
thoughtful letters can convey a lot of what is 
most important in the long-term: your goals, 
values and dreams.

4. Be prepared to be flexible. Tell your partner 
of how much you think about and love him or her 
and you will score some important points. Making 
them miss you more and you’ll fill them with the 
constant urge to see you. But don't be possessive.
  Being paranoid and accusing will only grow 
doubts, insecurity and tension between you and 
none of those will help the relationship develop 

If your partner truly wants to be with you, then 
they would not want to wait forever to have you 
next to her or him. As long as you both trust 
each other, inform one another of your personal 
lives, keep in touch, your relationship can turn 
out into a happy normal relationship

Ultimately, a fabulous relationship is your goal -

Thursday, February 25, 2010

5 Great Tips to Decorate Your Modern Home

Today’s contemporary designs replicate the classic modernist use of space, while renewing it with the durability and comfort required by the busy new generation. The modern furniture of these days is designed keeping comfort and warmth in mind that calls you to settle down and unwind. Materials used in this type of furniture such as leather, and excellent upholstery enhance the decor of your living room. From its shapely contours and gentle angles to its fine craftsmanship and modern materials, contemporary furniture generates an ambiance of effortless elegance.

When choosing any furniture for your home it has to reflect your life; a definite understated elegance, with fashionable sensibilities and eternal simplicity. Your furniture should reveal your personality and flair. Contemporary furniture stores offers so many attractive designs and colors that attract many and these people have some piece of contemporary furniture in their home. It may be a modish rug, streamlined sofa or a stylish dining room set, contemporary furniture has turned into a symbol of modern simplicity.

Here are some tips that you can use while decorating your home with elegant contemporary furniture:

Neutral colors are the finest choices for modern design. Neutral colors in your bedroom produce a clean and fresh look. They also create the perfect backdrop for a lovely modern painting that will add more charm to your room. Contemporary designs are made with subtle colors to make them completely different from the typical traditional colored rooms.

Efficient lighting is important to prevent eyestrain. You may love to work in front of a window; but it is not the appropriate place for a computer. If you can find a L-shape set up, you can turn to face the window while your computer screen will face the wall. Consider a contemporary adjustable lamp, or fix halogen lights or spotlights to the shelf or a wall for correct visibility.

In your bedroom, keep the other things to a minimum. Simple nightstands, full-length mirrors, subtle recessed reading lights, a pair of bamboo, wooden or chrome stools, on which you can keep cushions similar to the duvet cover.

You can arrange your living room furniture in the method of the American Southwest. A stunning Italian leather sofa in front of an exposed brick fireplace in a subtle brown or red color can change the entire décor of your room. That single piece of contemporary furniture will transform the entire set up of your room and make it more attractive and stylish.

While contemporary design, in spite of its influences remains sleek, cool and uncluttered, this should not make your bedroom cold and gloomy. Choose an encrusted look by white and black, or red and black sheets. If you desire a pattern, then again it has to be bold and cool. In a modern bedroom with neutral walls, bright red on a bed will add elegance and warmth to your bedroom. It will also lighten the room, and formulate it more inviting, just the way you want your bedroom to be.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

5 Countries to visit before you die

1 - Egypt. King Tut, The Pyramids, The Valley of the Kings. The list is endless. But it’s just not the history and the culture, it’s the people too. Egyptians are some of the kindest and most generous people on the planet. They will welcome you into their homes in a second and even if they have almost nothing, they will share it with you.

An afternoon on the Nile with an Egyptian felucca captain sailing your boat as the sun sets over the Nile in Luxor is a once in a lifetime experience not to be missed.

2 – China. China is not somewhere people immediately think of when planning a holiday…but they should, and hopefully after the Olympics in Beijing they will. Even if you could only afford 7 to 10 days, an itinerary that takes in Beijing, Xian, a Yangtze River Cruise and Shanghai will be a great introduction.

And for an unforgettable experience, juts visit Guilin. Guilins landscape is amazing and totally unique. It can’t necessarily be called Mountainous as such, but the peaks that do rise, rise almost vertically up into the mist.

If you get a chance take a ski lift up to one of the peaks and just stare in awe at the view, and if you are feeing adventurous, take a kart down a toboggan style run (about 3,000 feet in length) !

3 – Jordan. Handily located, if you plan it right you can visit Egypt and Jordan together to make a real trip to remember. Amman is a great city full of atmosphere, Petra is marvellous, but surely the can’t miss site is the Dead Sea. The only ocean in the world with so much salt in it, you actually float !

This alone makes Jordan a must see country and on top of what I have already mentioned, don’t forget the Wadi Rum, Aqaba, Jerash and the Kings Highway. A week in Jordan is good, but 10 days is better.

4 – Hong Kong. Although there is much more to Hong Kong than just shopping, if you do love to shop, then Hong Kong is the place for you. A stroll along Nathan Road and a visit to the Temple Street market just HAS to be done. And make sure you have your bargaining hat on as haggling is as big a part of the experience as the purchases themselves.

There lots more to Hong Kong too. The great thing is that despite it being a modern city, there is tradition around every corner. Don’t forget to take a trip to Victoria Peak and enjoy the stunning views and remember that even if it’s misty, there are 2 guys at the top who will take your picture and transpose it onto a picture of what you should see if the weather where not so poor ! I also suggest a couple of half day visits out to Lama and Lantau Islands too. A great way to escape the hustle and bustle of the craziness that is Hong Kong.

5 – Thailand. Thailand suffers a little from it’s reputation of being a very hedonistic destination and while it is true that the is a very wild side to Thailand (especially certain areas of Bangkok, Phucket etc) there is also an amazing culture to immerse yourself in.

There really is everything there, adventure, culture and even for the not faint hearted, a place about 1 hour north of Thailand where you can go in, yes go in, with real live tigers. No cages, no chains, just you and around a dozen tigers. For me it was a thrill of a lifetime and without doubt it is just one of the many reasons that Thailand is in my top 5 of places you need to visit in the world

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

6 Great Questions that Will Help You Find Your Focus

Do you have a ton to do and have no idea where to start? Would you like to know with each step you take you’re heading in the right direction? Would you like to narrow your “to do” list down to a few key items and let go of the rest? Would you like to work smarter, not harder?

The questions below will help you do just that. Answering these questions will help you find your focus so you can do what you want to do and feel great about your life while you’re doing it.

1. What do I care about most? Or, where is my heart leading me?

Only when you allow yourself to do what you care about most will you begin feeling better about your life.

Asking this question will give your HEART a space to speak and be heard. When we get wrapped up in all the “stuff” we have to do we often overlook what our heart wants.

2. What do I really, really want to do? Or, ask yourself “is this what I really want?” If the answer is “no”, ask yourself why you're doing it and then find a way to stop doing it. So much life is wasted doing things we don’t want to do.

Doing what you really want is a process of identifying and letting go of the things that you don’t want and replacing them with things that you do want. Overtime you’ll rebalance your life to include MORE of what you want to do.

This question will give your DREAMS an opportunity to come to life. This one question could set your life on a new course.

3. How do I want to feel while I’m doing what I’m doing? If what you’re doing doesn’t give you pleasure while you’re doing it, you may be on the wrong track. Why? Because “doing” takes up much more time then the result. The result happens once. We reach each goal only once and then it’s over. The journey to our goals is what fills our life with experiences. If you’re not feeling good during the “doing” (aka – the journey) is it really worth it?

This question allows your SPIRIT to come alive – to be experienced. Give yourself permission to do things that feel good and you’ll live an inspired life.

4. What is the “for sake of what” behind what I’m doing? Another way to word this question would be, “In the big picture of my life what purpose does this action serve?” If the answer isn’t clear you may be letting life lead you.

This question helps you CONNECT THE DOTS and make better choices for your life. Basing your actions on a clear purpose puts you in the driver's seat which means you are LEADING your life instead of letting it lead you.

5. What am I going to do? Make a list of all the things you care about and all the things you really want to do and prioritize them with a “1-2-3” approach. Rank your list in order of importance.

Of course we make choices (decisions) about what we’re going to do all day long BUT how often do we make choices after asking questions 1-4? Answering the above questions FIRST will give you the opportunity to bring more of what you really want into your life.

This question requires a CHOICE be made. Now you’ve narrowed your focus!

6. How am I going to do it? After narrowing your focus create a mini action plan for each item. Write down the steps you’ll need to take to make it happen.

Tip: only focus on 1 or 2 things at a time (ex: over the period of 1 month). Don’t try to do everything at once. That will just lead to overwhelm. Give yourself a chance to worker smarter and you will get more done.

This question will inspire you to TAKE ACTION. Nothing happens without it. In order to create the life you want you have to give your dreams, heart and spirit a voice and space in your life. However, this alone won’t make things happen. You have to channel all these things into a clear course of action.

Instead of jumping into your “to do” list, take some time to reflect upon these questions. By doing so you’ll put yourself on a life and/or business path that reflects more of what you really want. Determine your FOCUS first and you'll live a fuller, richer life.

3 Actions You Can Take Right Now to Bring Your Dream to Light

You hear it all the time; “follow your dream”, “discover your dream”, “dreams do come true”. The way people talk about LIVING YOUR DREAM, it’s as if everyone must have one!

I think they do, which means I think YOU do! So, if in fact the rather bold statement I just made is true, how do you go about bringing your dream to light? These tips will help.

1. ALLOW yourself to dream.

We STOP dreaming because at some point in our life we were told the dream we had was unrealistic. And after hearing it enough times from others we started believing it too. A dream that once felt so good to think about and seemed so possible to achieve, suddenly left us feeling silly for ever having it. So we did the only thing we could do, we packed our dream(s) safely away, not to be shared again.

Just because your dream is packed away for safe keeping, doesn’t mean it no longer exists. In fact, it might be the thing that keeps trying to get your attention! If you’ve ever had a notion there was “more” to life, listen up – your dream is talking!

How can you gently coax your dream back into the light?

You can ask yourself: “If money was no object, and failure was not a concern, what would I do with my life?

As we get older we get more practical. But when you’re trying to unleash a dream there’s no room for practicality. Asking the question above will give you free rein to dream away! There will be plenty of opportunities for practical matters later on. For now, give yourself permission to once again dream and when you do, dream BIG!

2. Don’t judge your dream.

There isn’t a scale on which dreams are measured. In other words, one dream is no better or worse than another dream. Your DREAM is YOUR dream!

If, since the time you were eight years old, you’ve wanted to study the life and habitat of iguanas, perhaps your dream is exactly what you need to do to feel your best and to live a life you find meaningful.

The consequence of not living your dream? What about the poor iguanas!

There’s a reason you have the dream you have. In the big cosmic picture of life, your dream serves a purpose to all life on this earth. If you don’t live your dream, the rest of us are missing out.

The second tip for bringing your dream to light: Don’t JUDGE your dream. Rather, embrace it – it’s yours for a reason.

3. Practice patience.

Dreams take time to unfold, especially when you haven’t allowed yourself to dream for awhile.

Some people know their dream from an early age. For the rest of us, we need to remain open and curious as to what our dream is. Listen to your gut, heart and soul and trust they have the answers you seek.

It may take some time for your dream to be revealed. Therefore, the last tip is to HAVE PATIENCE. It may take time to bring your dream to light, but it’ll be worth the wait.

Allow yourself to dream, don’t’ judge the dream you have and practice patience: three actions you can take today to bring your dream to light.

“There is a giant asleep within every man. When that giant awakes, miracles happen.” Frederick Faust

Monday, February 22, 2010

3 Tips To Buying The Right Radar Detector

There are many radar detectors on the market right now. Each one of them claims to have a single best feature. Some detect from the longest distance, while others claim to detect the most radar bands. Others claim to have the highest degree of accuracy and can tell the distance and direction of the radar gun.

With all these different features on the market, which one is right for you? What model of radar detector should you buy? How do you know it will actually work in your state? Is it legal in your state? These and other pressing questions are frequently asked. Here are 3 ways to know you are buying the right radar detector.

1. It detects the right bands for you state.

Some states use different types of radar guns, and unless your radar detector can pick up their signal, it isn't any use. There is a whole slew of different bands of radar guns, X, K, Ka, POP3 K, POP3 Ka, Laser, etc.

First you need to find out which bands that your states uses. Then you need to find a radar detector that can pick up those bands. Not every radar detector can pick up every band.

2. Find the model you want.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of reviews for nearly ever radar detector ever made on the internet. Now that you know what bands you need to detect, you need to find the right mix of price and features. Some people don't mind paying $500 for a radar detector, some people want to pay under 100 bucks. Obiviously the more you spend, the more features you will get. And the amount you spend will usually determine the range that your radar detector can detect to.

There are many different websites that will allow you to compare different radar detector models. Once you have found the right model for your needs, find the right price. This usually involves going to a few comparison sites, and searching for that model of radar detector.

3. Make your purchase and install.

Some radar detector installations are as simple as plugging your radar detector into your cigarette lighter socket. Others are more complex and need to have wiring run throughout your car or truck. Depending on the complexity of the product, and your knowledge, you may or may not need to have your radar detector professionally installed. A great place to get a radar detector installed is a car audio store. These shops are experienced with running wire throughout cars, and have probably installed many radar detectors.

Keep in mind that radar detectors are illegal in some states, you should check with local law enforcement before purchasing and installing a radar detector.

A radar detector doesn't make you invincible to radar guns, and it doesnt't mean that you won't get a ticket. You should always obey the speed limit.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

3 Important Planning Steps before Working with a Divorce Lawyer

If you are planning on a divorce then it is paramount to know how to work with a divorce lawyer. There are three important planning steps that you can use to make the process simpler and also try and keep costs down.

Get Organized – It is important that you get yourself organized. A lawyer is going to ask you for an inventory of all of your assets and liabilities. You can get all this information before you meet with the attorney. The attorney will need this information in the form of written evidence such as bank statements, credit card statements, etc. They cannot just operate on the work of their client in this matter. Understand that tax returns will likely be requested, also. Other items that come into play are 401K plan statements, pension statements, and IRA statements. Also, if you have wills or other documents that may prove that some of your property is separate and not community property. Separate property was either brought into the marriage or received in the form of inheritance.

Set priorities – Setting priorities can be vital in making sure that you do not get bogged down in the process. By priorities, I mean determining what is important for you. Remember that all the assets are going to be divided. You should figure out if you want to keep the house or not. You should then determine other material possessions and what is important for you. It is important not to get too carried away, because you may not be able to “keep everything”. Realize that your spouse will get things as well. If you have children, determine who will get custody. Then determine a proposed visitation schedule for the other spouse. Children and visitation are often the issues that bog down the divorce procedure.

Be reasonable - Being reasonable can help you get divorced so that you can get on with your life.

Think about what may be important to the other spouse. Sure you may hate him/her, but you still have to reach an agreement on separation of property, residence for the children, and visitation. A big part of getting through the divorce procedure is being prepared for negotiations. This way ahead of time you can have an idea of what you may give up and what your spouse may give up. As mentioned under the priorities section, these are the things that really matter. Don’t treat this like a contest. Generally, the people that win in a contest are the attorneys due to the high legal fees that can be incurred. Realize that it may be a 50/50 split in the end. Thus, being reasonable should help you contribute towards the other spouse’s 50 while getting you the things that are most important.

In summary, a divorce lawyer works for an hourly wage in most circumstances. Planning on your part can help keep these costs down and also speed up the divorce process.

1,000 Bhp Exotic Cars - Three To Choose From

If you love sheer power, and you want a car that produces 1,000 bhp, you now have three to choose from - and that is without going to the tuners like Ruf ofr Callaway, who will get this much power from engines that are currently in the 500- 700 bhp range. The tjree in the 1000 bhp club are the Bugatti Veyron 16.4, the Bristol Fighter T, and the Koenigsegg CCXR. Theoretically, these are all good for 250 mph in theory, but not in practice.

First on the scene was the Bugatti Veyron 16.4, the world’s fastest and most powerful exotic car, with a top speed of 248 mph.

Engineering masterpiece

The Bugatti Veyron 16.4 is quite an engineering masterpiece, with a W-16 8.0 liter cylinder engine mid-mounted driving through a seven-speed semi-automatic gearbox to all four wheels – four-wheel drive is definitely a good idea with this amount of power. Not only is it immensely fast, but with four-wheel drives it is very stable. It has ceramic brake discs and an air brake to help you slow down from over 125 mph.

A very surprising addition to the 1,000 bhp plus club is the Bristol Fighter T, which has an engine developing 1,012 bhp, just 11 more than the Bugatti! This is a front-engine, rear-drive car designed for high-speed touring.

To be precise, the V-10 engine in the Fighter T whacks out 1,012 bhp at 5,600 rpm. Bristol says that the top speed of the car is around 270 mph, but it has a limiter at 225 mph, which is just 4,.500 rpm in top! Not many will be made, making this a really exotic car.

Acceleration is not as good as you might expect – or maybe it is just modesty at Bristol Cars – at 'under 3.5 seconds' whereas the Bugatti Veyron is well under 3 seconds. The difference is largely academic – like the top speeds – but a mid-engined four-wheel drive car will accelerate more quickly than a front-engined rear-drive car. The Bristol Fighter just doesn't have enough weight on the rear wheels to get under 3 seconds.

Twin turbo V-10

How did they get this huge amount of power? Well, like the other Bristol Fighters, the T has a tuned Chrysler V-10 engine of 8 liters. For the Fighter T they have added a pair of water-cooled turbochargers to almost double power so they could exceed that magic 1,000 bhp figure, getting 1,012 bhp at 5,600 rpm, with 1,036 lb ft (1,400 Nm) of torque at 4,500 rpm. That is quite a high speed for maximum torque, but the engine still produces a massive 800 lb ft (1,080 Nm) of torque from 3,000 rpm, upward.

The Bristol Fighter S has a top speed of over 200 mph, partly owing to good aerodynamics, but The Fighter T is an absolute stormer with a power-to-weight ratio of about 600 bhp per ton and a top speed of well, you name it!

Koenigsegg CCXR runs on ethanol

Now, along comes Koenigsegg with the Koenigsegg CCXR, based on the CCX supercar, but now this version is able to run on ethanol biofuel - E85. Because ethanol has an octane rating of over 100 RON – like racing fuel in the 30s - it gives more power than gasoline, as Saab has demonstrated.

In the Koenigsegg CCXR, power is up from 806 bhp – more than enough for almost everyone – to 1,018 bhp! Peak torque is an incredible 780 lb ft (1,060 Nm) at 6,100 rpm. That's 25% more power.

With ethanol, power increases of 15-25% can be obtained for any engine so long as it is optimised with high compression ratio and other changes. In other words, don't just pull up at a gas station, put ethanol in your tank and get 20% more power. It doesn't work unless the engine is designed to run on it.

But that is not so difficult to do, and with George Bush trying to get more ethanol used in the USA, expect more to follow this route. After all, almost everyone loves power, even if they drive a car that is not very fast.

John Hartley is editor of, an online magazine devoted to fast cars and supercars, where you can read the latest articles about fast cars. He has written from many of the world's top auto magazines, and has written many books about cars and the auto industry, including 'Suspension and Steering Q&A' and 'The Electronics Revolution in the Motor Industry'.

Benefits Of Owning Motor Homes

Why would you want to own one of the many different motorhomes that are available for sale from many motorhomes dealers? The main reason for this is the fact that you gain access to multiple benefits that motorhomes offer. For example, you will be able to use motorhomes to travel to many outside locations for a long vacation or just a simple weekend getaway. There is no more need to spend all this time planning where you are going to stay, where you will eat and cook food and what car you will have to rent. Motorhomes will provide you with the simple solution for all these dilemmas.

With the help of motorhomes you will have access to basic household items, appliances and amenities and will not have to deal with the uncomfortable hotel stays or even more unpleasant stays in tents. Owners of motorhomes can prepare them in such way that everything that is needed for the enjoyable trip is available at all times. You don’t have many limits to what you can take with you. You can cook food, sleep and even shower in most of the motorhomes. You can even attach other equipment and vehicles (boats, jet skies and other sport equipment, for example) to your motor home.

Motorhomes can be helpful not only for vacation purposes. Even if you are traveling to a different city on a business trip or to visit your friends or family, motorhome will make the ride more enjoyable for you and your family. You will have more freedom to change destinations and will even save money on hotels and restaurants. You can choose which one of the many available motorhomes to purchase depending on your personal needs, size of your family and your travel plans. Motorhomes come in different sizes and variations and will have different amenities and equipment installed. Different types of motorhomes will have different prices so it is up to you to decide which motorhome to purchase.

2006 Suzuki GSX-R1000 vs 2006 Yamaha YZF-R1

Buying a motorbike can be very hard at times. One probable reason for this is the numerous brands that all promise to sell the best bike model. At present, two of these leading motorbike manufacturers are Suzuki and Yamaha. The products of both companies have been tried and tested by a lot of people because they have dependable and high-quality machines.

With the Suzuki brand, one of its leading brands is the 2006 Suzuki GSX-R1000. This is not surprising since this bike boasts of having a powerful engine and torque. As such, the buyer can be assured that it will have an incredible acceleration or speed. Due to its lighter weight and easy to understand functions, the bike is easy to handle. Another change with the Suzuki GSX-R1000 is the 4.8 gallon fuel capacity. As such, there is no more need to make frequent stops at gasoline stations.

At an affordable price of 10,999 dollars, the buyer can buy it in the color combinations blue and white, silver and gray, as well as red and black. He can purchase the bike online or in Suzuki stores near his or her house. No matter where he buys the bike, he is still guaranteed to receive the one-year warranty with an unlimited mileage. No doubt about it, every penny he spends on this bike will be worth it.

As one of the leading bike producers of today, the model that Yamaha is proud to have created is the 2006 Yamaha YZF-R1. The bike model's interior engine and exterior look have been perfected by Yamaha with its 50 years of experience in racing. During this time, the creators have made the bike faster by creating its advanced engine firepower. Like the Suzuki model, the Yamaha YZF-R1 also weighs lighter than most motor bikes in the market.

It seems like the two bikes have only a few things in common. Aside from their powerful engine and light weight, both bikes are also easy to handle. As such, riding these bikes will be such a breeze.

4 Tips For Buying The Perfect Fishing Boat

The sun is about to rise and the weather is crisp. You pack your tackle box, grab your pole and buy some worms. You make your way to the fishing dock dreaming you had the perfect fishing boat so you were landlocked no more. Now that dream can become reality with these 4 easy tips for finding and purchasing the perfect fishing boat!

Have a clear understanding of the purpose of the fishing boat. Obviously the boat is going to be used for fishing, but is it going to be used on oceans or in lakes? For day time trips or overnight stays? If you play to stay in your boat overnight, be sure to choose a boat with a hull which will allow you to ride the waves much better than a boat without one.

Make sure to have a clear understanding of your budget. Boats are very expensive items. You should be well acquainted with your finances before you take on the extra burden of a boat purchase. Boats with hulls for overnight stays and rough waters are obviously more expensive than small boats for small lakes. Know your limitations.

Read and understand the warranties fully before making a purchase. A warranty can be your best friend. Make sure the dealer you buy the boat from offers you the proper coverage in case there is any defect or problem with your boat. You don’t want to end up having to pay huge amounts to fix your boat because you forgot to check out the warranties!

Make sure the boat has proper certification .The NMMA, or the National Marine Manufacturer’s Association is an organization that tests boats that are manufactured by different companies. They only certify those boats that pass their rigorous testing. Any boat certified by the NMMA is one that you would feel safe owning.

Also, just like cars, boats must be registered. Be prepared to register your boat just like your vehicle (i.e. paying money). On top of that expense, you must now stock your boat with life jackets, brand new fishing gear, food and a cooler so you can get fishing!

3 Exceptional European Automakers

When you think of exceptional cars that are built in Europe, does your mind run strictly to cars made by Rolls Royce, BMW, or Mercedes? Perhaps Jaguar and Lamborghini come to mind as well. Each of these makes deserve all the accolades given to them. Still, there are three makes that are, for various reasons, exceptional. Let’s take a look at Volvo, Volkswagen, and Audi, the three makes featured in this article.

For a country of just nine million to produce one automaker would be amazing enough. To lay claim to two automakers is simply phenomenal. Both Volvo and Saab are from this particular country which is Sweden. Now a part of Ford Motor Company, Volvo has greatly influenced the automobile industry over the years. Safety standards that had been universally low elsewhere are much more appreciated with Volvo. Front end crumple zones, reinforced roofs and specially designed interiors have all had their origin with Volvo. Out of these high safety standards have come a line of cars that are, indeed, some of the best built and safest cars on the road. Fortunately, through Volvo’s leadership, many automakers around the world have incorporated Volvo’s high safety standard. This is what makes Volvo exceptional in my eyes.

The company that brought to the world the first people’s car, the Beetle, is also exceptional. First designed in Germany during the 1930s, the Beetle survived World War II and was one of the most mass produced and loved cars in the world. From the 1950s forward the Beetle managed to make motorized transportation available to people who otherwise could not afford a car. From college students in the US to migrant workers in Mexico and from the gritty cities of Holland to the Irish farmlands, the Beetle made owning a car affordable the majority of the masses. Even after importation to the US ceased during the 1970s, the Beetle was produced for another generation and sold in Mexico.

Without drawing out the point too far, the term that best describes Audi’s quattro technology is “superior handling.” Perhaps that is an understatement but when Audi introduced quattro all wheel drive the company threw the gauntlet down and told the rest of the auto making world that quattro was the standard by which all luxury sedans would be judged. Audi's quattro technology has given the company such a huge advantage over competitors that over the years it has been banned from certain types of racing. Indeed, Audi’s quattro technology provides continuous traction long past when other road handling schematics have reached their threshold.

So, there you have it. Three truly exceptional automobiles from the European continent, exceptional in ways, perhaps, that should be labeled as extraordinary.

6 Steps To Making Your Own e85 Ethanol

Step One: . . . The Conversion Process

We have to break down carbohydrate sugars, such as the starch from corn. Create it into "Mash". Grind or crush the feedstock (corn, soybeans, wheat, etc...). Then dilute and add an enzyme (alpha amylase) to turn the mixture into a liquid. Once liquified a second enzyme is added(glucoamylase) to convert the starch into sugar. (If the source is mainly sugar, i.e...rotten fruit, molasses, etc..., the conversion step can be skipped.

Step Two: . . . Fermentation

Add yeast and make it into a beer (wine) type solution.

Step Three: . . . Distillation

The beer (wine) type solution needs to be run through a still to extract the alcohol from the solution.

Step Four: . . . Filtration

The ethanol now needs to be filtered to get rid of excess organic volatiles.

Step Five: . . . Dehydration

The ethanol needs to be "dried". After the distillation process there will be a certain amount of water in the ethanol you have just created - this can be dried running the ethanol through Zeolite a readily available product for drying ethanol.

Step Six: . . . Ethanol Into e85

Now simply convert the pure ethanol into e85 by adding 15% unleaded gasoline to your ethanol. e85 is nothing more than 85% ethanol mixed with 15% gasoline.

Making your own ethanol will require some initial investment, but the rewards will be very, very beneficial. You can make your own e85 for right around a $1.00 a gallon if you buy the corn and for about $.60 a gallon if you grow your own corn.

e85 Flex Fuel Vehicles are becoming more and more popular as the gas prices continue to rise. e85 is defiantly going to be a major relief for the United States fuel problem.

You may even be driving a flex fuel vehicle now. Many newer models are equipped to handle both gasoline as well as e85 ethanol. The best way to check is to look in your owners manuel, check in the fuel door for the e85 sticker or contact your dealer and have them run your vin number to see if you vehicle is compatable. I suggest that you do all three, to be on the safe side.Now simply convert the pure ethanol into e85 by adding 15% unleaded gasoline to your ethanol. e85 is nothing more than 85% ethanol mixed with 15% gasoline.